How To Maintain A Franking Machine

A franking machine is a common site across many UK businesses. If your business or organisation sends out large volumes of mail, then a franking machine can be a useful piece of equipment. An effective alternative to stamps, they are designed to print barcodes that help process batches of mail quickly and offer a more affordable alternative to typical postage.

Investing in a franking machine can make a big difference to your business’ mail operations, but it’s important to maintain your franking machine to ensure it stays working effectively. Take a look at our handy guide to keep your franking machine in working order.

How To Maintain A Franking Machine, How To Maintain A Franking Machine

Keep it clean

Dust, grime, and old ink can soon clog up a franking machine. Not only could this affect its performance, but it could also cause it to stop working altogether. Regular dusting is a must to keep your machine clean, but you should also give it a more thorough clean. Do this every week to keep your machine working as it should.

Familiarise yourself with the instructions

Franking machines can encounter different issues, but most will be minor issues that could be fixed with a little maintenance. If you encounter any problems, check the instruction manual and troubleshoot to try and resolve the issue. If you still encounter issues, you may need to contact the manufacturer or contact your franking machine supplier.

Replace cartridges regularly

It’s important to replace ink cartridges on your franking machine regularly. This will stop your machine from leaving faded or smudged stamps. If you rent your franking machine, you should ensure you also ensure you have a regular supply of ink to keep your machine working properly. 

Book a regular inspection

In the UK, franking machines are operated under Royal Mail licences. This means they have to adhere to certain standards, and that includes a regular inspection. Inspections should be carried out by a reputable company to ensure they protect the warranty of the machine. Familiarise yourself with the Royal Mail Scheme for Franking Letters and Parcels to ensure your machine meets the terms of your license agreement. 

Professional franking machine maintenance with Business Quotes

Franking machines are an important part of your office or workplace setup, providing a key function that allows businesses to send out large volumes of mail each day. They save money and time and help make your postroom functions more effective. 

Maintaining your franking machine is important, and the best way to schedule maintenance is to work with a franking machine specialist. At Business Quotes, we can provide you with quotes from some of the UK’s leading franking machine specialists to ensure you benefit from professional maintenance.

Explore franking machine quotes to help you find the best provider for your needs. Or alternatively, find out more about how much a franking machine costs.

Categories: Advice, Franking Machines

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